بسم الله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله

بداية اعتذار اعتذارا حارة من اعماق قلبى من جوة على فترة الانقطاع الطويلة واتمنى من اخوانى وممن زار المدونة فى تلك الفترة ولم يجد بها اى تحديث ان يسامحنى على وقته الذى اضاعة

ثانيا كل عام وانتم بخير وتقبل الله منا ومنكم والعام القادم باذن الله تعالى نصلى فى الاقصى

فترة الانقطاع كانت بسبب دخولى فى دوامة وفوضى (ليست خلاقة بالمرة) فى التحضير للتقديم للماجيستير فى البيوتكنولوجى فى جامعة القاهرة

احداث كثيرة اثرت على الحالة النفسية لى وعلى الخط المتفائل الذى كنت اتبناه

والسبب الاخر كان رحلة البحث عن وظيفة فى المكان الذى اريده وليس فى المكان المتاح امامى

على العموم لم تمر كل هذه الفترة دون مكاسب

بل بفضل الله تعالى اتممت فيه الكثر

قطعت نصف الطريق فى تحضيرى لامتحان GRE

وخلصت من اتمام اوراقى للتقديم للالتحاق بالجامعة الامريكية فى القاهرة

The following article is my purpose statement which I will (ISA) put it in my admission application for the AUC

I wish that all of you do not hesitate to put your respected comments


"It is far beyond MS in Biotechnology", this was where my main ambitious thoughts driving me when I was in my graduation year. I was ever in love with Biotechnology during my undergraduate years, especially the last year, as this science is multidisciplinary and we could classify it as an art before calling it a science. I'm highly interested in DNA and Cell Based Vaccines, especially virus C vaccine, and Monoclonal Antibodies. The research in Biotechnology and Molecular biology comprises the
interweaving of theory and practice which
appeals to my inquisitive nature.


Since my childhood, I was completely different from my peers. When I was five years old I found myself in front of a lot of toys and didn't know how they work. Being accustomed to open them and trying to know how they can work it became a habit of mine to open and repair and to overcome challenges. This habit continues to develop until it reaches the ability to face and overcome any hardship in my life. All these events indicate a special personality that loves the spirit of adventure and has the ability to invade any barriers seeking for the new and obscure issues to discover.


During my studies at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University in Cairo, I was one of the most active, influential and zealous students, thus I was selected more than one time to represent my faculty and my university in many conferences in Egypt. My research ability developed step by step until it culminated in two researches, they are "The Treatment and Management of Virus C Type 4"
and "Marine Drugs with Special Concern on Anti-Cancer Drugs". The first research paper won the 3rd prize in the 8th Egyptian Pharmaceutical Student Federation conference (EPSF) at Cairo University. I've learned much about conducting research in my undergraduate years and my mentality, also, has much developed during this period. I've also gained many essential habits like patience, self-motivation, pressure management techniques, hard working, and scientific planning. I hope you will give me the privilege of continuing my postgraduate studies at your great university.


Actually, most of the features I have imagined for the graduate school in which I'd like to pursue my MS was highly figured in the MS program offered by the school of Sciences and Engineering, American University in Cairo (AUC). Looking at the program, I see it has unique advantages starting from its highly crucial research areas, the highly professional courses tutored, the existence of a powerful and promising faculty staff, the prodigious funding on research, the availability of many scholarships and the cozy community as well.


    I'm looking forward to continuing my academic research after finishing my MS and to gain a good experience from my research at your respectable university that would give me more qualifications, I am in dire need for, to have an effective role in the development of the Biotechnological field in the pharmaceutical industry to serve my country and for the service of the humanity as well.