ونجحت فى التويفل وجبت اسكور كويس...يامسهل عقبال الجى ار اى
By إخوانى مخربش
نتيجة التويفل ظهرت
والحمد لله جبت اسكور كويس
ودى تفاصيل النتيجة
Reading Listening Speaking Writing Total
27 26 20 21 94
Reading Skills Level Your Performance
Reading High(22-30)
Test takers who receive a score at the HIGH level, as you did,
typically understand academic texts in English that require a wide
range of reading abilities regardless of the difficulty of the texts.
Test takers who score at the HIGH level, typically
* have a very good command of academic vocabulary and grammatical
* can understand and connect information, make appropriate
inferences, and synthesize ideas, even when the text is conceptually
dense and the language is complex;
* can recognize the expository organization of a text and the role
that specific information serves within the larger text, even when the
text is conceptually dense; and
* can abstract major ideas from a text, even when the text is
conceptually dense and contains complex language.
Listening Skills Level Your Performance
Listening High(22-30)
Test takers who receive a score at the HIGH level, as you did,
typically understand conversations and lectures in English that
present a wide range of listening demands. These demands can include
difficult vocabulary (uncommon terms, or colloquial or figurative
language), complex grammatical structures, abstract or complex ideas,
and/or making sense of unexpected or seemingly contradictory information.
When listening to lectures and conversations like these, test takers
at the HIGH level typically can
* understand main ideas and important details, whether they are
stated or implied;
* distinguish more important ideas from less important ones;
* understand how information is being used (for example, to
provide evidence for a claim or describe a step in a complex process);
* recognize how pieces of information are connected (for example,
in a cause-and-effect relationship)
* understand many different ways that speakers use language for
purposes other than to give information (for example, to emphasize a
point, express agreement or disagreement, or convey intentions
indirectly); and
* synthesize information, even when it is not presented in
sequence, and make correct inferences on the basis of that information.
Speaking Skills Level Your Performance
Speaking about familiar topics Limited(1.5 - 2.0)
Your responses indicate some difficulty speaking in English about
everyday experiences and opinions. Listeners sometimes have trouble
understanding you because of noticeable problems with pronunciation,
grammar, and vocabulary. While you are able to respond partially to
the questions, you are not able to fully develop your ideas, possibly
due to limited vocabulary and grammar.
Speaking about campus situations Fair(2.5 - 3.0)
Your responses demonstrate an ability to speak in English about
reading material and experiences typically encountered by university
students. You are able to convey relevant information about
conversations, newspaper articles, and campus bulletins; however, some
details are missing or inaccurate. Limitations of grammar, vocabulary,
and pronunciation at times cause difficulty for the listener. However,
they do not seriously interfere with overall communication.
Speaking about academic course content Fair(2.5 - 3.0)
Your responses demonstrate that you are able to speak in English about
academic reading and lecture material, with only minor communication
problems. For the most part, your speech is clear and easy to
understand. However, some problems with pronunciation and intonation
may occasionally cause difficulty for the listener. Your use of
grammar and vocabulary is adequate to talk about the topics, but some
ideas are not fully developed or are inaccurate.
Writing Skills Level Your Performance
Writing based on reading and listening Fair(2.5 - 3.5)
You responded to the task, relating the lecture to the reading, but
your response indicates weaknesses such as
* an important idea or ideas may be missing, unclear, or inaccurate;
* there may be unclarity in how the lecture and the reading
passage are related; and/or
* grammatical mistakes or vague/incorrect uses of words may make
the writing difficult to understand.
Writing based on knowledge and experience Fair(2.5 - 3.5)
You expressed ideas with reasons, examples, and details, but your
response indicated weaknesses such as
* you may not provide enough specific support and development for
your main points;
* your ideas may be difficult to follow because of how you
organize your essay or because of the language you use to connect your
ideas; and/or
* grammatical mistakes or vague/incorrect uses of words may make
the writing difficult to understand.
ادعولى الله يكرمكم علشان GRE مش سهل بالمرة
وشكلى كده بعد الامتحان هخرج من التست سنتر والف اشحت فى شوارع المحروسة
لان بعد الامتحان دماغى هيشيط ويترقع
ومش هينفع اعمله لا طبلة ولا حتى طار
7 Responses to ونجحت فى التويفل وجبت اسكور كويس...يامسهل عقبال الجى ار اى
مبارك أخي خرابيشو جعلها الله في طاعته
الله يبارك فيك ياجميل
وربنا يسرلنا ونستخدمها فى طاعته باذن الله
ألف مبروك :)
الف مبروك يا ابو امام
ارفع راسنا يا مخربش
العريان وراء القضبان
شاركنا فى حملة التضامن مع الدكتور عصام العريان
على مدونتى
مبارك أخي الكريم
أنفقها في طاعة الله
ازيك عامل ايه
انا مثلى قوى قرات مقالك وعجبنى بجد
انت ذو عقليه وتفكير جميل
اسمحلى اعرفك بنفسى انا من المثليين العربولدت فى مجتمع ينبذ المثليين ويعاديهم ويكرهم على شىء ليس باديهم
فى جين ان كل العالم المتحضر اعترف بالمثليه
اكبر صريحين علميين فى العالم كله اعترفوا بعد الدرسات العلميه ان المثليه امر طبيعى والذى بهم معظم اطباء وعلماء العالم وذلك بعد الدرسات
بجانب الدرسات العلميه الحديثه التى اجريت على الحيونات والحشرات ايضا
ووجدت ان المثليه امر طبيعى وعادى
ولكن كما تعلم فى بلادنا الشيوخ هم علماء ويفسروا القرءان حسب ما هم مقتنعون به فاخلطوا بين اللواط والمثليه
والعلم اثبت اختلاف الهيوبلاتومس وهى المنطقه الموجوده للدماغ للمثليين عن المغايرين
العيب فى الشيوخ وليس فى الدين
كما سبق وان فسروا سابقا ايه فى القرءان على ان الارض بيضاويه وظلوا نصف قرن يعتقدون هذا وكل الناس تناضل من اجل رايهم الى ان اتى العلم واثبت انها كرويه
وبعدها ادركوا انهم اخطاوا
علاوه عن المجتمع الذى يمارس الكراهيه والنبذ ومعاده المثليين
انا فاكر كويس كل يوم
كنت بقعد بليل وافتكر اى حد قلى كلمه جرحتنى فى المدونه
وابكى طول الليل وكنت اشعر بالحزن جدا
بجد نفسنا كلنا نحب بعض بدون كراهبه او ضغينه
ما اردت ان اقوله لك اننا نمد ايدينا اليك بكل الحب والصداقه
واريد ان نكون اصدقائكم
انا هعطيك اميلى
ممكن تضفنى وتكلمنى
وعلى فكره بجد انت مدونتك حلوه وعجبانى
مووووووت جدا بجد انت تفكيرك جميل اوى جدا
سانتظرك تاتى مدونتى
وتضيف اميلى
هتوحشنى جدا
باى باى
28 سبتمبر, 2007 12:47 م
ملحوظه انتم كلكم مدعوون الى مدونتى لمن يريد ان يعرف ما هى المثليه
ومن يريد صداقتى فالاميل تركته فى الاعلى فليضيفه وبكلمنى على المسنجر
بس هستناك انت بالخصوص
Something to say?